Our Whitsundays trip was on the infamous Clipper.
The clipper is known on the East Coast as being a party boat and certainly has a questionable reputation. Despite this reputation, I would say that often the rumours are far from the truth. Regardless of what Whitsundays tour you are on, you are required to be there the day before your trip because you need to check in. Bare this is mind whilst you plan your trip.
Furthermore, packing wise:
-Take only one pair of shoes preferably flip flops because you only wear them when you go to Whitehaven beach and aren't allowed to wear them on the boat
- Depending on the length of your trip but if you are on a 2/3 day, 2 night take 2 bikinis
- You don't necessarily need clothing for the day, don't get me wrong go wearing clothes but for when you are on the boat a cover up or kimono is perfect!
Day 1
So we arrived for 2:15 at the Barcelona Cafe at the Abel Point Marina. It was at this point that I realised that the majority of our trip was 80/20 girl/boy ratio. This was interesting because the previous trip had been mainly boys I heard as we waited.
We were met by the crew who welcomed us on board and completed safety checks.
After the talks and introductions were over we moored up for the night and went swimming, on the slide, in the hot tub etc. Be aware that if you do go in the water you are required to wear a stinger suit which is free of charge.
Once the swimming was done for the day we moved on to dinner which was fish with mashed potato with salad and bread. This meal was so good and impressive with the size of the kitchen the chef had to deal with! Another great point about the Clipper is that they always provide alternatives for individuals with food allergies, intolerances etc.
On the first night, we were left to our own devices so the drinking games began!
Day 2
I unfortunately woke up on day 2 with one of the worst hangovers I have ever experienced in my whole existence. The addition of the boat's motion, the heat and the deafening 6:30 wake up call led to a shaky start to say the least.
Breakfast was good though and includes a fruit bowl, toast (hot bread: the toaster was not great), a variety of spreads and cereals.
However, off to Tongue bay and Whitehaven beach we went. Unfortunately the weather wasn't great but the beach was still stunning regardless.
Once everyone had returned from the beach, lunch was served. This included a variety of sliced meats, pasta salads, bread rolls, wraps and various salads. Again, this was a very impressive and tasty meal!
After lunch the snorkelling and diving began! I have a few pictures of me looking very sporting in a stinger suit but none in the snorkel! Although, I did take an underwater camera so as soon as that's developed, the photos will be on here!
Once everyone was back on be boat, Travis- one of the crew members took us through were we had actually been rough out our tour of the Whitsundays. It really became apparent at this point that despite the raunchy reputation that the Clipper has among travellers. The crew really do know what they are talking about.
After our whitsundays education, it was time for my favourite part of the day: FOOD TIME! Massive portions of spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread all round. I was also finally feeling myself at this point which leads me on to GOON TIME!
We awaited the start of the notoriously infamous 'Clipper Show', by filling the time with yet more drinking games. The Clipper Show itself was actually quite tame despite its reputation and crazy tales.
Day 3
I woke up feeling fresh and alive. After sorting my belongings out, you could either go snorkel or chill around on the boat. Following this, hotdogs were served which like all the food provided was on point!
We then said our goodbyes to the crew and friends we met along the way before trekking wearily back to our hostels.
My Whitsundays tour was one of the highlights of my East Coast trip. You would be a fool to miss it so get it booked early believe me you won't regret it!
Love Imogen xoxo
Imogen xoxo
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